19:35:05 <colonelqubit> #startmeeting
19:35:05 <IZBot> Meeting started Wed Jun 17 19:35:05 2015 UTC.  The chair is colonelqubit. Plugin info at http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot.
19:35:05 <IZBot> Useful Commands: #action #agreed #help #info #idea #link #topic.
19:35:37 <colonelqubit> UNCONFIRMED: 345
19:36:02 <colonelqubit> Android: Still have one UNCONFIRMED that needs testing on x86-64
19:36:40 <colonelqubit> beluga_: you still awake?
19:37:28 <beluga_> colonelqubit: yes I had to eat some food I prepared a couple of days ago so I can't go to sleep so soon
19:37:33 * colonelqubit nods
19:38:02 <colonelqubit> arnaud_versini: you here? (and want to tell us about your Android testing?)
19:38:56 <colonelqubit> beluga_: what percentage of our QA Team do you think is in Europe?
19:39:10 <beluga_> a huge percentage
19:39:45 <kompi_> in America LibreOffice not love =)
19:39:55 <beluga_> even bigger, if we count China and India as Europe
19:40:01 <beluga_> Eurasia
19:40:19 <colonelqubit> well, we could definitely consider moving the meeting time earlier
19:40:35 <beluga_> yes, DST messes things up even more
19:40:44 <kompi_> Eurasia it's Russia. China and India is only Asia
19:40:46 <colonelqubit> kompi_: yes, America is pretty small...
19:40:55 <colonelqubit> (well, large as a country; small as a userbase)
19:41:29 * colonelqubit ponders about how China and India are *only* Asia
19:42:06 <colonelqubit> What's the population of China + India? 2.5 billion?
19:42:10 <beluga_> but even Matthew might be able to attend, if we started a bit earlier
19:42:17 <colonelqubit> beluga_: that would be great
19:42:18 <kompi_> colonelqubit: china and india located only in Asia
19:42:47 <beluga_> kompi_: it seems you are wrong https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Eurasia
19:43:06 <colonelqubit> kompi_: oh yes, I was just referencing their huge populations ;-)
19:43:20 <kompi_> Russia is located in Europe and Asia
19:43:48 <IZBot> News from tdfnew: [Bug 92140] Calc Appears To Do Row & Column Inserts The Hard Way <https://bugs.documentfoundation.org/show_bug.cgi?id=92140>
19:44:17 <kompi_> beluga_: continent
19:44:17 <beluga_> anywhile, something worth mentioning: bubli would like a tinderbox that would produce linux builds with --enable-kde4
19:44:35 <beluga_> da clophmeister said that reawakening lhm tinderbox might be enough
19:44:35 <colonelqubit> beluga_: what's our population of KDE bugs right now?
19:44:49 <beluga_> the KDE bug population is growing at an alarming rate
19:45:02 <beluga_> we need the Club of Rome of KDE bugs soon
19:45:23 <beluga_> no, but bubli is testing a lot with master builds.. so it's very hard to confirm
19:45:40 <beluga_> if QA doesn't normally do their own builds, and even more rarely test in KDE
19:46:05 <beluga_> I left a build running today at work.. tomorrow I will see, if it was successful and I will test bubli's reports
19:46:48 <beluga_> I think I'll take the laptop home tomorrow because we won't return to office before August.. I have all these VMs in it
19:46:51 <colonelqubit> beluga_: I think we're definitely supportive of people running their own builds, it's just that LibreOffice is a bit of a monster if you don't have a modern machine
19:46:51 <kompi_> use KDE is bad idea
19:47:08 <beluga_> kompi_: no :D
19:47:12 <kompi_> yep!
19:47:17 <beluga_> ok you win
19:47:20 * colonelqubit grabs some popcorn
19:47:20 <kompi_> lol
19:47:28 <beluga_> "The DE Wars"
19:47:32 <kompi_> nonono david blain
19:47:36 <colonelqubit> anyone remember CDE?
19:47:43 <kompi_> i'm not
19:48:01 <kompi_> its very old
19:48:04 <beluga_> https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Common_Desktop_Environment
19:48:42 <beluga_> kompi_: we have to test libreoffice-kde integration
19:49:05 <kompi_> And what's wrong with him?
19:49:22 <beluga_> sometimes he gets sick
19:49:24 <colonelqubit> beluga_: how's our stock of KDE users/testers?
19:49:31 <beluga_> and we have to heal him
19:49:46 <kompi_> beluga_: oncology?
19:49:46 * colonelqubit wonders if we're talking about the walrus
19:49:48 <beluga_> there are KDE users among the team, but they are scattered
19:50:10 <beluga_> bubli might create a KDE meta bug
19:50:42 <beluga_> some random persons: Andreas Mantke uses KDE, but isn't in the QA team :)
19:52:02 <colonelqubit> I'm fine switching around to test under KDE if it's deemed important, but if we have people using it already, it would make the most sense to try to shuttle things to them
19:52:49 <colonelqubit> beluga_: I can imagine that cloph is hesitant to start spinning-up a lot of different tb's for different configurations
19:53:50 <beluga_> yes, but if the Munich TB can be used, then it could be low-hanging fruit
19:54:29 * colonelqubit nods
19:54:38 <beluga_> I suspect my build went fine and I can do builds in the future in the Kubuntu VM, when needed
19:54:39 <colonelqubit> Munich has standardized on KDE?
19:54:50 * colonelqubit doesn't know a ton about their standardized setup
19:55:01 <beluga_> they used Kubuntu, if I recall correctly
19:55:15 <beluga_> LiMux version 4 is the current release and is based on Kubuntu
19:55:50 * colonelqubit is curious how much is built upon debian (often via ubuntu)
19:56:25 <colonelqubit> But I digress..
19:56:25 <beluga_> https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/LiMux
19:56:38 <colonelqubit> Let's talk about some Action Items
19:56:38 <beluga_> I've been hanging out in the design channel
19:56:46 <colonelqubit> #topic Action Items
19:57:10 <colonelqubit> beluga_: with jphilipz and other questionable folks? ;-)
19:57:39 <beluga_> colonelqubit: bubli frequents it
19:58:03 <beluga_> and philjung
19:58:11 <beluga_> I throw puzzling enhancement requests at them
19:58:14 <colonelqubit> heh
20:00:25 <kompi_> linuxmint 17.2 RC released with MATE and Cinnamon....
20:00:54 * kompi_ downloaded and will try in action
20:01:55 <colonelqubit> I don't see steve here -- I know we've had an ACTION item for "baseline image media support tests for OSX" for a while. Let's see if we can get those done
20:02:51 <beluga_> colonelqubit: maybe we need to give him a deadline :)
20:02:57 <colonelqubit> As for restricting access to priority fields, I think that joel is mostly done with populating the contributors group, so we should be able to turn-on that restriction
20:03:09 <beluga_> colonelqubit: yes we populated the group on Sunday
20:03:25 <colonelqubit> beluga_: yeah, I know that he's been busy, and I don't want to put deadlines on things like that
20:03:38 <colonelqubit> If I can find time to do some mac testing, I wil
20:03:43 <colonelqubit> *will
20:03:46 <beluga_> we did skip the devs that had not logged on since Sept 2014.. but if they return, they can contact us
20:03:52 <jphilipz> colonelqubit: yes we are questionable people :D
20:04:15 <colonelqubit> jphilipz: well apparently beluga_ thinks that you are, as he keeps on posing questions to you!
20:04:46 <beluga_> jphilipz: what is the best way to treat mosquito bites?
20:05:22 <jphilipz> beluga_: scratch them
20:05:45 <beluga_> answers guaranteed or your money back
20:05:55 <jphilipz> colonelqubit: yep the good thing is beluga_ is bringing them to my attention ;D
20:06:23 <beluga_> FYI: 21 billion mosquitos will hit Finland on Friday
20:06:36 <beluga_> they are mobilizing the troops
20:06:49 <colonelqubit> is "mosquito" a code word for "russian" ?
20:07:07 <beluga_> wait that was 21 000 billion sorry
20:07:19 <jphilipz> yes mosquitos have been biting me and the family for about a week or 2 now
20:07:24 <kompi_> colonelqubit: wow wow , easy
20:07:44 <kompi_> than bad Russian?
20:09:12 <colonelqubit> AFAIK, the Big Lebowski never met a White Russian he didn't like (and then drink)
20:09:25 <kompi_> in the case of deterioration of relations, we just had a couple of very large rockets with very poor filling, rather than climb yourself
20:10:36 <kompi_> and silence....
20:11:44 * kompi_ sleep
20:11:46 <colonelqubit> speaking of deterioration of relations, how goes our testing with Windows 10?
20:12:27 <beluga_> it goes as smoothly as the Finnish economy
20:12:44 <beluga_> ie. it is parked
20:12:49 <colonelqubit> ah, well
20:13:57 <IZBot> News from tdfnew: [Bug 92141] Range Settings Issues <https://bugs.documentfoundation.org/show_bug.cgi?id=92141>
20:14:00 <colonelqubit> We obviously can (and should) test win 64bit builds on win8, etc.., but testing 64bit on win10 seems like the most efficient for us
20:14:23 <colonelqubit> What else in Action Item land... ah yes: I sent some materials to ahoneybun
20:14:47 * ahoneybun wakes up
20:14:49 <colonelqubit> REMINDER: If anyone needs stickers or pamphlets or other items, please let me know and I'll send them along
20:15:12 * colonelqubit will try to dig up some more pamphlets once his move is complete
20:16:26 <colonelqubit> ahoneybun: anything new from your side?
20:16:46 <colonelqubit> You were at SELF, right? -- How did that go?
20:17:00 <ahoneybun> good
20:17:08 <ahoneybun> lots of stickers are gone
20:17:28 <ahoneybun> Ubuntu did not want me to put the pamphlets there
20:17:37 <ahoneybun> on their table anyway
20:17:46 <colonelqubit> lol
20:17:50 <colonelqubit> the DFD ones?
20:18:02 <ahoneybun> thats the only ones I have
20:18:07 <ahoneybun> yep
20:18:08 <beluga_> should have phoned Björn :P
20:19:15 <colonelqubit> I thought that Ubuntu was pretty supportive of DFD. Perhaps just need to coordinate better with them next year
20:19:33 <colonelqubit> could definitely use some $$ to help out with the US campaign for 2016, anyhow
20:20:54 <beluga_> LibreOffice for president!
20:21:32 <ahoneybun> colonelqubit: talk with bryan for FOSSETCON as I'll be there
20:21:39 * colonelqubit totally didn't mean that, but kudos for seeing the opportunity and taking it ;-)
20:21:58 <colonelqubit> ahoneybun: Sure, I actually was chatting with him a week or two ago
20:22:18 <colonelqubit> That's mostly it from the Action Items pile
20:22:23 <colonelqubit> #topic Other Topics
20:22:35 <colonelqubit> What else do people have?
20:22:37 <ahoneybun> I saw him at SELF and they have the dates and location for this years event
20:23:51 <colonelqubit> ahoneybun: oh, cool. Made public yet?
20:23:59 <beluga_> I'd like to see a developer bug triage festival :D
20:24:17 <beluga_> some weekend when the devs would attack all our old unconfirmeds..
20:25:42 <beluga_> Bugzilla "Duke Nukem Forever" 5.0 is somehow still not released: https://bugzilla.mozilla.org/show_bug.cgi?id=1170566
20:26:26 * colonelqubit laughs
20:26:29 <colonelqubit> one of these days...
20:28:44 <colonelqubit> Okay, any other topics we should discuss?
20:29:27 <colonelqubit> This weekend we'll have the BugHunting Session for 5.0 RC1: https://wiki.documentfoundation.org/BugHunting_Session_5.0.0_RC1
20:30:54 <colonelqubit> I'll email out once we have builds available for testing.
20:31:35 <colonelqubit> Anything else?
20:32:14 <ahoneybun> colonelqubit: sorry yes it is
20:32:22 * colonelqubit nods
20:32:38 <ahoneybun> colonelqubit: FOSSETCON is open
20:33:06 <ahoneybun> http://fossetcon.org/
20:33:29 <colonelqubit> #topic Next Meeting
20:34:17 <colonelqubit> Given that
20:34:17 <colonelqubit> 1) It sounds like a number of people would like an earlier meeting time
20:34:17 <colonelqubit> 2) I'm moving during July 1st (2 weeks from now)
20:34:59 <colonelqubit> Let's plan to meet a bit earlier on that Wednesday. I'll email out with time and details
20:35:58 <colonelqubit> #topic The End
20:36:36 <colonelqubit> Thanks everyone for showing up!  We'll talk again in 2 weeks, and until then, I'll see you here on IRC!
20:36:41 <colonelqubit> #endmeeting