18:41:56 <colonelqubit> #startmeeting 18:41:56 <IZBot> Meeting started Wed Apr 22 18:41:56 2015 UTC. The chair is colonelqubit. Plugin info at http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot. 18:41:56 <IZBot> Useful Commands: #action #agreed #help #info #idea #link #topic. 18:43:08 <colonelqubit> UNCONFIRMED at 304 18:43:17 <colonelqubit> man, we just can't seem to move that needle, can we? 18:43:26 <colonelqubit> hitting a wall 18:43:39 <beluga_> colonelqubit: we keep moving it back and then watching the tide rise again :) 18:43:52 <beluga_> it's a hobby of sorts 18:44:09 * colonelqubit wonders if we're starting to get down to the 'muck', as it were 18:44:26 <colonelqubit> there will be a certain # of bug reports that are really tough to triage or repro 18:45:26 <colonelqubit> Sorting through the bugs that are over 2 weeks old, many are challenging 18:46:27 <colonelqubit> Okay, let's take a look at those action items 18:46:31 <colonelqubit> #topic Action Items 18:46:44 <colonelqubit> Steve around? 18:46:54 <beluga_> nope 18:47:12 <colonelqubit> mjayfrancis we think is conked out :P 18:47:32 <colonelqubit> well.... we can pass on a number of items 18:47:56 <colonelqubit> #topic Versions in Bugzilla 18:48:11 <colonelqubit> I sent out an email earlier this week asking about 4.5-master and 5.0-master 18:48:51 <colonelqubit> we renamed the next release, so we've got an interesting situation where we have master builds in the same series that are named 4.5.xxxx and 5.0.xxxx 18:49:16 <colonelqubit> Some people suggested just renaming the version in Bugzilla, but that might be confusing for anyone who doesn't know that the renaming took place 18:49:45 <colonelqubit> beluga_: thoughts? 18:50:09 <beluga_> I think renaming is fine.. 18:50:38 <colonelqubit> and people have to guess? 18:51:12 <beluga_> guess what? that renaming happened? 18:51:15 <colonelqubit> perhaps not that many other people have a master buidld installed 18:51:25 <beluga_> yes that's what I was thinking 18:51:55 <colonelqubit> well, all of the Android builds are master buidls 18:52:28 <raal> keep both, it's consistent with currentversions 18:52:40 <raal> zou have rc1, rc2 etc.. 18:52:48 * colonelqubit shrugs -- yeah, that seems okay to me 18:52:56 <raal> zou =you 18:53:11 <colonelqubit> I hate having version explosion, but this one isn't a technical decision 18:53:45 <colonelqubit> Hopefully we can figure out a saner numbering system, so we don't have branches renamed midway through :-) 18:54:34 <colonelqubit> Anyone else want to weigh in? 18:56:03 <colonelqubit> #topic General Discussion 18:56:05 <raal> btw 4.3.6release is missing? 18:56:17 * colonelqubit goes to take a peek 18:56:42 <colonelqubit> was that 18:57:11 <raal> :-) probably, i'm using master not sure 18:57:22 <beluga_> colonelqubit: must have been yes, checked old versions directory 18:57:29 <beluga_> http://downloadarchive.documentfoundation.org/libreoffice/old/ 18:57:44 <beluga_> in general news, we are slaying old bugs https://bugs.documentfoundation.org/page.cgi?id=weekly-bug-summary.html 18:58:08 <colonelqubit> Indeed! 18:58:30 <colonelqubit> And I see someone in particular waaay out in front of the pack of bug closers ;-) 18:58:45 <beluga_> colonelqubit: I didn't get a reply from you about this #67135 should it be moved to Redmine? 18:58:46 <IZBot> LibreOffice-WWW normal/medium NEW BUGZILLA: FDO does not allow to set specific Windows OS, but BSA does https://bugs.documentfoundation.org/show_bug.cgi?id=67135 18:59:14 <beluga_> I killed all the BSA-related ones.. that gave a nice jump to the murder stats 18:59:54 <beluga_> I've been all over Joel's April 1st ping.. lots of WFM 18:59:57 <colonelqubit> ( rc -> release) 19:00:05 <raal> http://blog.documentfoundation.org/2015/04/17/first-bug-hunting-session-for-libreoffice-5-0/ - promote in BZ? banner? 19:00:18 <colonelqubit> raal: yep, sounds good 19:00:34 <colonelqubit> Do you want to make up a banner of the same size as usual? 19:00:54 * colonelqubit has been swamped the lst couple of weeks 19:01:08 <colonelqubit> Otherwise, I can get to it soon 19:01:18 <raal> colonelqubit: I think its not good idea, i'm not graphic man 19:01:26 * colonelqubit smiles 19:01:30 <colonelqubit> okay, 19:01:48 <colonelqubit> #action Robinson will make a Bugzilla banner for BugHunting Session 5.0 19:02:48 <colonelqubit> What's next? 19:03:00 <IZBot> News from asklibo: libreoffce doen't work in 64bit ubuntu,help!!!!!! <http://ask.libreoffice.org/en/question/46166/libreoffce-doent-work-in-64bit-ubuntuhelp/> 19:03:05 <colonelqubit> Any news from mjayfrancis re: bibisect repos? 19:03:15 * ahoneybun can make banners 19:03:40 <colonelqubit> Cool -- I'll send you the basic information 19:03:47 <ahoneybun> ok got it 19:04:09 <beluga_> colonelqubit: well the release repo was completed a week ago 19:04:14 <colonelqubit> #action Robinson will send ahoneybun information about making Bugzilla banners 19:04:29 <beluga_> I haven't tested yet.. will install Ubuntu 15.04 in a VM and try it in that 19:05:17 <colonelqubit> ahoneybun: there are some other graphic things that would be nice to make -- e.g. we coudl make up some banners ahead of time for upcoming events like Software Freedom Day and the Annual Conference 19:05:27 <colonelqubit> Maybe a new QA T-shirt design? 19:05:35 <colonelqubit> We can chat :-) 19:05:41 <ahoneybun> of course :) 19:06:23 <sophi> ahoneybun: we also need banners for bug hunting sessions :) 19:06:38 <colonelqubit> sophi's here! 19:07:15 <ahoneybun> sophi: give colonelqubit the sizes and I'll work on a few ideas 19:07:28 * ahoneybun puts it on his to-do 19:07:38 * colonelqubit waits for sophi to send him some trapezoid shapes or something crazy :P 19:07:56 <colonelqubit> Okay, all. Anything else? 19:08:09 <raal> Android testing 19:08:19 <raal> status quo? 19:08:21 <colonelqubit> Ah yes, and sophi is here! 19:08:34 <colonelqubit> raal: We've got some MozTrap tests written, and I wrote up some notes on installing the daily 19:08:40 <beluga_> colonelqubit: yeah that one bug that I thought should perhaps be moved to Redmine.. or closed instead? 19:08:50 <colonelqubit> https://wiki.documentfoundation.org/Android#Daily_Builds 19:09:20 <colonelqubit> (just FYI, I might be temporarily kicked offline in 2 minutes) 19:09:28 <colonelqubit> beluga_: bug #? 19:09:42 <beluga_> #67135 19:09:43 <IZBot> LibreOffice-WWW normal/medium NEW BUGZILLA: FDO does not allow to set specific Windows OS, but BSA does https://bugs.documentfoundation.org/show_bug.cgi?id=67135 19:10:02 <raal> I saw announcement from collabora today. So is it possible to start the tests? 19:10:48 <colonelqubit> beluga_: yep, feel free to move that to Redmine; we can possibly address that as a part of Guided Forms 19:10:48 <raal> I have moztrap account and android installed 19:11:02 <ahoneybun> (might have to go soon as well, not sure) 19:11:14 <colonelqubit> raal: have you looked at the tests yet? 19:11:24 <raal> colonelqubit: little 19:13:48 <raal> for example :Open an empty Calc document: I'm not sure if it's possible in android 19:14:09 <raal> there is not button new document 19:17:50 <colonelqubit> hmm, back? 19:17:55 <colonelqubit> sorry about that 19:17:57 <beluga_> colonelqubit: #77014 we don't allow blockers, right? 19:17:58 <IZBot> LibreOffice-Writer blocker/medium NEW Words in input fields are broken between lines at the end of line https://bugs.documentfoundation.org/show_bug.cgi?id=77014 19:18:09 <colonelqubit> beluga_: in general, we dont' use that status, correct 19:18:49 <colonelqubit> beluga_: have you seen the wording about dropping them down one level? 19:18:54 <colonelqubit> I think Bjoern wrote it... 19:19:23 <beluga_> stock messages in the wiki? 19:19:54 <beluga_> unable to locate stock messages 19:20:40 <colonelqubit> yeah, lemme look for it 19:20:44 <colonelqubit> (it should go on the wiki..) 19:21:17 <ahoneybun> colonelqubit: g2g 19:21:24 <ahoneybun> bye guys 19:21:53 * colonelqubit waves 19:21:57 <colonelqubit> beluga_: I don't see it 19:22:06 <colonelqubit> but in general, we don't really use 'blocker' 19:22:13 <beluga_> yep 19:22:17 <colonelqubit> Mostly, things are just marked as a MAB 19:22:24 <colonelqubit> if it's super-serious, then talk to devs 19:22:41 <beluga_> yet the priority flow chart has blocker 19:22:43 <colonelqubit> I think that we should either remove it, or have clear guidelines on when to use it 19:22:49 <beluga_> https://wiki.documentfoundation.org/images/0/06/Prioritizing_Bugs_Flowchart.jpg 19:23:11 <colonelqubit> yes, it does, but IIRC it could be clearer 19:23:56 <colonelqubit> I think people gloss-over part #2 of that chart: Does it happen frequently w/clean installs 19:24:05 <colonelqubit> doing clean installs is actually a pain 19:24:59 <colonelqubit> And I believe that devs have actively discouraged use of 'blocker', as the term means something very specific 19:27:42 <ertai_NL> hi 19:27:53 <CorNouws> ertai_NL: hi :) 19:28:11 <beluga_> hey where did these 2 guys come from? 19:28:12 <CorNouws> ertai_NL: congrats with FC-Philips ;) 19:28:28 <ertai_NL> thnx.. we are the champions!! 19:28:40 <colonelqubit> Here's the table of Severity vs. Priority: 19:28:43 <CorNouws> ertai_NL: yeah :) 19:28:44 <colonelqubit> https://bugs.documentfoundation.org/report.cgi?x_axis_field=priority&y_axis_field=bug_severity&z_axis_field=&no_redirect=1&query_format=report-table&short_desc_type=allwordssubstr&short_desc=&product=LibreOffice&resolution=---&longdesc_type=allwordssubstr&longdesc=&bug_file_loc_type=allwordssubstr&bug_file_loc=&status_whiteboard_type=allwordssubstr&status_whiteboard=&keywords_type=allwords&keywords=&bug_id=&bug_id_type= 19:30:25 <ertai_NL> hi colonelqubit 19:30:43 <ertai_NL> beluga_: from outerspace.. 19:31:23 <beluga_> I hope they're not hooligans 19:31:53 <ertai_NL> no.. just a fan.. I don't fight about it 19:32:17 * beluga_ is relieved 19:33:07 <IZBot> News from asklibo: Network install on Windows Server 2008 R2 64 bit <http://ask.libreoffice.org/en/question/49773/network-install-on-windows-server-2008-r2-64-bit/> || calc 4.3 english How do I go about adding non-number items in a column? <http://ask.libreoffice.org/en/question/49772/calc-43-english-how-do-i-go-about-adding-non-number-items-in-a-column/> 19:33:52 <beluga_> qubit keeps disappearing into outerspace 19:33:58 <colonelqubit> beluga_: yeah, sorry about that 19:34:02 <colonelqubit> fighting with network here 19:34:13 <colonelqubit> did you see the chart? 19:34:58 <colonelqubit> Might be somewhat useful for us to keep a better eye on the distribution there 19:35:18 <colonelqubit> But I've digressed a bit ;-) 19:35:26 <colonelqubit> Any other relevant topics for us to discuss? 19:35:31 <beluga_> colonelqubit: the chart didn't appear 19:35:46 <beluga_> or do I have to do something else after that screen? 19:35:50 <colonelqubit> https://bugs.documentfoundation.org/report.cgi?x_axis_field=priority&y_axis_field=bug_severity&z_axis_field=&no_redirect=1&query_format=report-table&short_desc_type=allwordssubstr&short_desc=&product=LibreOffice&resolution=---&longdesc_type=allwordssubstr&longdesc=&bug_file_loc_type=allwordssubstr&bug_file_loc=&status_whiteboard_type=allwordssubstr&status_whiteboard=&keywords_type=allwords&keywords=&bug_id=&bug_id_type= 19:36:06 <beluga_> no chart 19:36:22 <colonelqubit> beluga_: sorry, table 19:36:31 <colonelqubit> but yes, a chart of that would be nice 19:36:37 * colonelqubit must be imagining things in his head... 19:36:37 <beluga_> no table either 19:36:38 <colonelqubit> :P 19:36:48 <beluga_> Bugzilla allows you to view and track the state of the bug database in all manner of exciting ways. 19:37:25 <beluga_> it just shows the report screen 19:37:29 <colonelqubit> no table from that link? are you logged-in? 19:37:35 <beluga_> yes logged in 19:38:21 <colonelqubit> ah, being chopped off 19:39:24 <colonelqubit> https://bugs.documentfoundation.org/report.cgi?x_axis_field=priority&y_axis_field=bug_severity&z_axis_field=&no_redirect=1&query_format=report-table&short_desc_type=allwordssubstr&short_desc=&product=LibreOffice&resolution=---&longdesc_type=allwordssubstr&longdesc=&bug_file_loc_type=allwordssubstr& 19:39:31 <colonelqubit> bug_file_loc=&status_whiteboard_type=allwordssubstr&status_whiteboard=&keywords_type=allwords&keywords=&bug_id=&bug_id_type=anyexact&emailassigned_to1=1&emailtype1=substring&email1=&emailtype2=substring&email2=&emailtype3=substring&email3=&chfieldvalue=&chfieldfrom=&chfieldto=Now&j_top=AND&f1=noop&o1=noop&v1=&format=table&action=wrap 19:39:47 <colonelqubit> (maybe some limit in this IRC client) 19:39:53 <colonelqubit> sdfsdf 19:39:57 <colonelqubit> yeah 19:40:11 <colonelqubit> Anyhow, combine those together to get one url 19:40:34 <beluga_> colonelqubit: I got it! 19:40:35 <colonelqubit> Or here's a shortner version: http://ur1.ca/k86nt 19:41:03 <beluga_> I never understood that thing :) now is the first time I'm seeing a result 19:41:05 <IZBot> News from tdfnew: [Bug 90788] An irritating bug with a font <https://bugs.documentfoundation.org/show_bug.cgi?id=90788> || [Bug 90779] Editing with F2 after Fill Down not possible <https://bugs.documentfoundation.org/show_bug.cgi?id=90779> 19:41:23 <ertai_NL> a trivial with highest priority? 19:41:27 <colonelqubit> we should definitely review the 32 blockers 19:41:32 <colonelqubit> ertai_NL: yeah... :P 19:41:39 <beluga_> that is pretty useful 19:41:52 <colonelqubit> restricting access to some of those fields is on my todo list soon :-) 19:43:01 <colonelqubit> Okay, we're at about the hour mark now. Any more topics for us to address? 19:44:47 <beluga_> I think not.. let's keep punching those bugs and see where we're at in 2 weeks 19:45:16 <colonelqubit> Yep, let's keep up the pressure on the UNCONFIRMED bugs. 19:45:37 <colonelqubit> Please use tags like [hard to repro] to help us stay focused on the bugs that are tractable 19:46:14 <colonelqubit> And feel free to send hard bugs my way! 19:46:18 * colonelqubit waves 19:46:42 <colonelqubit> Our next meeting is May 6th 19:46:56 <colonelqubit> #endmeeting